I'm Zac 👋 I own & operate a multi-6-figure email marketing agency. I've written over 1,000 emails for 25+ brands & consulted a dozen more businesses on how to activate their email databases to grow sales & profit. My clients come from e-commerce, coaching, B2B services, and home services...

And I share ALL my strategies and tactics for FREE in my DAILY emails for Business Owners who want to make more profit ASAP:

Here's why you should subscribe to my email list:

In 2018, I met a guy named Ben...

Ben was the first person I ever met who could sit down...

Type an email...

Hit send, and POOF...

Money appeared. It was one of the most incredible skills I'd ever seen. To be able to type a simple message and have people eagerly pull out their credits to buy. Amazing.

I asked my boss if I could try doing that with our company's email list. He said "Ok," but I could tell he was skeptical if it would work.

Within two years email marketing became one of the main growth engines for our 7-figure coaching company. And good thing it did, because in 2020...

The pandemic shut down our #1 lead source: trade shows.

You know what they say...

The best time to dig a well is before you need the water. I often wonder how we would have generated new leads and sales during the pandemic if we had not made email marketing a priority.

And I see this play out with other brands all the time...

Every day, thousands of fantastic companies selling valuable products and services are building their "empires" on the sandy foundations of social media, trade shows, and other media sources they have no control or ownership of.

Can you relate?

Meanwhile, the world's most profitable brands in just about every industry know that the profit comes from your email list.

Now, when I work with brands who want own their relationship with their audience and make more profit, I introduce them to a simple way to do it...

In fact, it's the simplest and most timeless way to sell more products and services in the history of business:

L.O.C.K. IN!

Build a LIST of quality leads...

Craft irresistible OFFERS...

Write killer COPY that resonates with your market...

KEEP 'EM loyal to your business with amazing customer service and recurring revenue products.

That's the recipe right there.


You could build out some super complicated marketing funnels and schemes for getting the maximum value of every lead on your advertising right now - that works.



My daily emails for Business Owners & Marketers who want to make more profit from their email list show you how I'm helping my clients and myself to:

  • Grow our email lists for free

  • Grow your email lists with money

  • Make offers that are more exciting to buy

  • Captive our lists with incredible content and stories

  • Craft hooks that make buying a no-brainer

  • Increase our subscription memberships

  • "WOW" our customers with incredible service

I Work With Brands Who:

  • Spend a lot of money on marketing but need content & automation in place to convert more of their leads

  • Are too dependent on the social media hamster wheel & other channels you don't control

  • Have an email list

  • Struggle to come up with original & effective content

  • Want a higher ROI on all their marketing channels

  • Have unpredictable cash flow

  • Want more recurring revenue

So how does this work, exactly?

Step 1

We meet to discuss your email/copy needs & establish the terms of our working relationship so that there is ZERO confusion, ever.

Step 2

We hold a Kickoff Call where I get to know your business & market like my life depends on it.

Good copy comes from understanding the market.

Step 3

I deliver your piping hot, done-for-you copy at the agreed upon deadline & we put it to work for you - converting leads and prospects into members and customers.

Your Questions, Answered.

Why shouldn't I just hire in-house?

First of all, a good copywriter will cost you six-figures in annual salary. Not to mention benefits.

Plus, it's stressful for you to have a full-time (or even part-time!) person you're responsible for managing and keeping busy.

I'm a service-provider, not an employee. I work independently but put out six-figure-employee-quality work. And if your content needs extra work, I have my own network of experts I bring in to help at no extra expense to you.

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Is it just you?

No - I have a closely vetted team of writers that work beside me. But, I personally vet and edit every last piece of copy that goes out to our clients.

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How do you come up with ideas?

We'll host a monthly strategy call where we help you develop Intellectual Property, not just "content."

Your business needs a core, north-star idea that everything revolves around. Once we identify that, I have a series of prompts and questions that help you come up with and endless fountain of ideas.

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If you're tired of riding the social media hamster wheel that keeps spinning faster and faster but never goes anywhere.... if you want to tell stories that move people to act... WATCH THIS: